Hey, beautiful!
My name is Minitta (she/her).
I am a trained photographer and book designer, born and raised in Vienna. Due to my multicultural upbringing, I love capturing diversity and highlighting marginalized groups in my work.
I like to describe myself as a woman, who is black and white, but in love with colors. I discovered my passion for photography via traveling and I am currently working as a commercial, portrait and event photographer.
In addition, I am involved in projects for the BIPoC community of Austria. In 2022, I co-published the antiracism handbook "War das jetzt rassistisch? – Antirassismus-Tipps für den Alltag" (Leykam Verlag). My latest project focuses on linguistic discrimination: By initiating the course "Sensible Sprache" in collaboration with Goldegg Training Buch-, Medien- & Verlagsakademie, my goal was to provide a platform for writers, journalists and content creators to engage with the intersection of language and discrimination. Through workshops and practical exercises, participants will gain a toolkit for deconstructing biased language and constructing narratives that embrace diversity and empathy.